Munich City Biketour

Discover The City of Munich!

Am Fre­itag 25.10.24 ent­deck­te die Klasse 10I-ME im Rah­men des Unter­richts Tech­nis­ches Englisch die Innen­stadt Münchens mit­tels ein­er englis­chsprachi­gen Fahrrad­tour!

Dur­ing our tour, stu­dents got to ride along a path through the town cen­tre, get­ting to know the The­atin­erkirche, Feld­her­rn­halle, Hof­garten and into the Eng­lish Gar­den. We made a short stop at the Chi­nese Tow­er, the sec­ond biggest beer gar­den in the world, the Monopteros and watched brave surfers hit­ting the waves in the ice cold riv­er Eisbach.