EMEU Cobots module


Programming COBOTs

09th Octo­ber – 20th Ocot­ber 23

8 inter­na­tion­al stu­dents and 8 Bavar­i­an stu­dents pro­gram Cobots in Munich at BS MDM

We warm­ly wel­come 8 Euro­pean stu­dents from Eibar, Spain, Spis­s­ka Nova Ves, Slo­va­kia and Tabor, Czech Repub­lic and their accom­pa­ny­ing teach­ers in Munich to learn with 8 Ger­man stu­dents how to pro­gram Cobots (col­lab­o­ra­tive robots from Uni­ver­sal Robots) the next two weeks.

The group will pro­gram dif­fer­ent tasks, such as glue­ing, pick & place, pal­letiz­ing and depal­letiz­ing and so on. There will be an inte­grat­ed addi­tion­al two day work­shop, where they cre­ate their own micro­con­trolled robots, which are able to inter­act with their surroundings.

The pro­gramme is round­ed off by a bike tour through the city, var­i­ous com­pa­ny tours and an excur­sion to Kloster Andechs!

Watch here what happened during the two weeks of the module!

Inter­est­ed and want to join next time…?

Ask your teacher or the Euro­pean Coor­di­na­tor in house 😉

Christi­na Murphy